Alive: The Final Evolution


Alive: The Final Evolution is a Japanese manga series written by Tadashi Kawashima and illustrated by Adachitoka. It was serialized in Kodansha's shōnen manga magazine Monthly Shōnen Magazine from April 2003 to February 2010. The story follows Taisuke Kanou, a teenage student in Japan who lives a normal life until an alien being named Akuro arrives on Earth. Akuro is composed of souls who were granted immortality but wanted to die. These souls enter the bodies of humans, causing a global suicide phenomenon called Nightmare Week. Taisuke, along with his friends, embarks on a journey to stop Akuro and restore peace to the world. The manga received positive reviews for its unique plot, suspenseful storytelling, and appealing art style. It has been licensed in North America and was adapted into an anime, but the adaptation was canceled. The series consists of 21 tankōbon volumes.