Arata: The Legend


Arata: The Legend is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yuu Watase. It started serialization in Shogakukan's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Sunday in October 2008. The story revolves around Arata Hinohara, who switches places with Arata from another world called Amawakuni. Arata finds himself framed and exiled to Gatoya Island, while Hinohara takes his place in Amawakuni. With the help of his childhood friend Kotoha and a special sword-spirit called Tsukuyo, Hinohara embarks on a journey to restore order to Amawakuni. Along the way, he gains allies and faces off against the rebels led by Princess Kikuri. In modern-day Japan, Arata adjusts to high school and befriends Imina Oribe, a woman from Kikuri's clan. The series explores themes of friendship, identity, and the struggle for power. Arata: The Legend was well-received for its artwork and lore, although some critics found the main character's traits off-putting. The manga was also adapted into a 12-episode anime television series. It has been licensed for English release by Viz Media.