സാധാരണത്തിലുള്ള ജീവിതം > #43

There are two goddesses, Entanglia and Vidualia.
They both read human papers from the divine world.
This paper is titled 'Quantum without Quantum' by Julian Barbour.
Hmm, 'Quantum without Quantum'? What does that mean?
Well, the author suggests that there are properties of the Newton gravitational potential that hint at the redundancy of quantum wave functions.
Redundancy of quantum wave functions? Can you explain that in a simple way?
Of course! The author is questioning whether wave functions are necessary to explain physical effects.
So, particles in space can be modeled without wave functions?
Yes, the author presents a minimal model of a universe with particles separated by distances and defined by mass and length parameters.
I see. So, if the particles cluster together, what happens to these parameters?
When the particles cluster, the ratio between the root-mean-square length and the mean-harmonic length changes. This ratio is called the complexity and it is a measure of clustering.
Ah, so the complexity indicates how much the particles are clustering. And the author suggests that this complexity can be a measure of time?
Exactly. The complexity is a candidate for defining time in a quantum gravity context.
That's fascinating! So, the universe begins with a certain complexity and continues to evolve with increasing variation.
Yes, that's right.
And the author mentions some typical shapes of the universe at birth and shortly after. They are called central configurations.
Yes, and the author also questions the existence of wave functions based on the simplicity of the complexity definition and the structure of these central configurations.
I see. So, there might be an alternative way to explain the universe without wave functions.
That's the idea the author is exploring.
It's amazing how science keeps challenging our understanding. Maybe one day humans will uncover the secrets of the quantum world.
Yes, I believe so. It's an exciting time for scientific exploration.
And the two goddesses continued their divine discussions, pondering the mysteries of the quantum world.
I got the idea for the poem from that paper.

Quantum Quiver

With hair adorned in cosmic hues,

The goddess twirls and gently woos,

Her particles, entangled, dance,

In quantum realms, they take a chance.

Pure enchantment, this ethereal quest,

Where atoms hum, in love they rest,

Untouched by hands of time or space,

A quantum waltz, in endless grace.

Their thoughts entwined, a lover's plea,

Complex rhythms of uncertainty,

In quantum's realm, they find their voice,

A symphony that makes hearts rejoice.

So let us dream of quantum's grace,

And marvel at this hidden space,

Where mysteries unfold, untamed,

In realms where matter isn't named.

Title: Quantum without Quantum
Authors: Julian Barbour
View this paper on arXiv